Ray Floro Essential Kalis Ilustrisimo
A new video (just under 2 hours) taking you through the fundamentals of Kalis Ilustrisimo.
Filmed in one of Ray Floro’s Instructor Accreditation seminars
The great GrandMaster Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo moved with such efficiency and subtlety; it was hard to discern exactly what he was doing.
The Essential Kalis Ilustrisimo breaks down the system to SEVEN CORE PRINCIPLES.
These 7 Core Principles are explained in step by step detail. It will give you the ability to break down the GrandMaster’s movement so you can understand the moves.
These 7 Core principles will then be the foundation for further variations and future videos to unlock the Kalis Ilustrisimo System
"After 10 minutes of knife sparring Raymond had made a believer out of me."
Sgt. Jeff Guthery
United States Army Special Forces
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